Does anybody have a copy of rmx_text-ANY-9.4.0.jar to share?

LeoTGD New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Hello Community,

I'm doing a training that requires me to use RM 9.10 and following extensions: Text Processing, Operator Toolbox and Recommender Extension.

My initial problem with extensions is that for some reason I can't connect to the Market Place to automatically install them - and I couldn't find any solution for this problem. So my plan B was to search if I could install those extensions in a different way and after looking some helpful comments here I learned it's possible, I just need to download the .jar files and place them on \.RapidMiner\extensions.

The problem is the .jar file for Text Processing we have available is rmx_text-ANY-10.0.0 which will not work with Operator Toolbox. Well digging a bit more on the internet I found and downloaded rmx_text-ANY-9.3.1 hoping that would make the trick....unfortunately not. Apparently the version I need is rmx_text-ANY-9.4.0 which I can't find anywhere.

This community is amazing and I hope I can get some help here to either fix my connection problem to the Market Place (I'm afraid it's related to the firewall on my company's laptop) or with the correct .jar file.

Thanks in advance,

Best Answers


  • MartinLiebig
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2024 Answer ✓
    Hi there,

    are you sure 10.0 text doesnt work with toolbox? Even though the dependency is set to 9.3.1 I always thought its upwards compatible.

    Anyway you can just change the marketplace URL to the respective version. So gives you 9.3.1.


  • LeoTGD
    LeoTGD New Altair Community Member

    Thank you very much!!! :)

    With that link you just sent me, I was able to download a good .jar file for Text Processing that worked with Operator Toolbox. Now everything is working so it looks like the problem was that the dependency is not really upwards compatible.

    Just to summarize in case it helps other users that have to install & use RapidMiner 9.10 and can't download extensions directly from the Market Place, those are the following .jar files I had to download and install manually (super easy process): 
    • Text Processing: rmx_text-ANY-9.3.1.jar
    • Operator Toolbox: rmx_operator_toolbox-ANY-2.17.0.jar
    • Recommender Extension: rmx_irbrecommender-ANY-5.1.2.jar
    Thanks again,
  • MartinLiebig
    Altair Employee
    Answer ✓
    Hi there,

    there was a change from java 7 to a newer java from RM v9 to v10. So that might be the cause that you cant use newer versions.
