10 most important words

Ev_Lazarou New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
I face a problem that i have not solved so far:
I am trying to find the most important words from a dataset. How could I do this?

Best Answer


  • sara20
    sara20 New Altair Community Member


    Could you please explain your question more?

    Thank you
  • Ev_Lazarou
    Ev_Lazarou New Altair Community Member
    Hello Sara!
    I uploaded 2 csv files, I preprocessed them (according to an exercise of my university exams), and i cross validate them with 3 algorithms. The last part of the exercise ask us to prepare a graph with which are the 10 most important (not most common) words in fake news (1 csv file) and the 10 most important words in real news (other csv file)

    I am uploading photos of the processes run so far in order to understand a little bit more about the concept. 

  • Ev_Lazarou
    Ev_Lazarou New Altair Community Member
    edited June 2020
    Dear BalazsBarany

    I have already found the most important words in entire text using weight by information gain operator and on the other hand I used wordlist to data and I found the document occurancy and total occurancy how can I merge it and see the results?
    Where I have to use aggregate and sum? 
    Thank you!