Model execution and deployment on server

Divyem New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
I am unable to deploy the model in the rapidminer server. I was testing a simple titanic model deployment to configure it as a web service. Once the deployment was done and everything was set. Post execution of webservice, it gave me an error of unknown operator.
I thought of executing the models in the server itself but they gave me an error again during auto model process itself. Please note I have used mysql connection to rapidminer server and connection was successful.

Best Answers

  • Divyem
    Divyem New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓

    @mschmitz I am attaching two images above, These are the recent tries I did post installation of rapid server.
    * The first is post deploying the model into the server and executing the webservice request. The model building was done on studio. Check the response for unknown operator
    * The second image I am trying to execute the auto model on the server itself just to be sure that the operators used are present in the server but I get this error.
    I am trying to create a webservice url to for a sample set. 

  • Divyem
    Divyem New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓
    @mschmitz this was resolved with the help of rapid team, there was some license issue for the server thanks


  • MartinLiebig
    Altair Employee
    Hi @Divyem ,

    did you use any operator which is part of an extension? If so, please make sure that this extension is also installed on the server.

  • Divyem
    Divyem New Altair Community Member
    Can you share the document where extensions are present or deployment process for them. I looked but couldn't find.  
    I am just deploying a simple deep Learning model prepared on the titanic sample set available. Once deployed running the webservice gives me unknown operator error.

    Simple process operator is itself showing me the error
  • MartinLiebig
    Altair Employee
    WHich opertor is unknown? And what exactly is the error?

  • Divyem
    Divyem New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓

    @mschmitz I am attaching two images above, These are the recent tries I did post installation of rapid server.
    * The first is post deploying the model into the server and executing the webservice request. The model building was done on studio. Check the response for unknown operator
    * The second image I am trying to execute the auto model on the server itself just to be sure that the operators used are present in the server but I get this error.
    I am trying to create a webservice url to for a sample set. 

  • Divyem
    Divyem New Altair Community Member
    Answer ✓
    @mschmitz this was resolved with the help of rapid team, there was some license issue for the server thanks