"Excel Example Set - Supervised Machine Learning"

New Altair Community Member
Hi there, im very new to Rapid Miner and Supervised Machine Learning. My task: I have like 500 sentences which I categorized by myself into six different cagetories. (1,2,3,4,5,6). Now I have another Excel with like 700 sentences but I didnt categorized them, I want RapidMiner to learn from the first Excel Set and apply it on the second Excel and categorize it with the six different categories. So I want RapidMiner to predict the categories. The Excel-Sets both have just two columns with sentence and category. But in the second Excel-Set the column category is empty. I would really appreciate if you could give me a hint. Many thanks.
Best Answers
HI @stefan_koerling,
Have you trained a model inside RapidMiner with your fist labeled dataset ?
To better understand can you share both Excel files ?1 -
Hi @stefan_koerling,With RapidMiner 9.2 there is also a new feature in Auto Model which is able to do the necessary text processing automatically. You may want to give this a try. So the idea is to
- import your data into a repository, see this here: https://academy.rapidminer.com/learn/video/importing-data-in-rapidminer-studio
- Use Auto Model on this data then, see this here: https://academy.rapidminer.com/learn/video/auto-model-classification
You may want to check out some other videos on our Academy to learn more details and how-tos.Best,Ingo
HI @stefan_koerling,
Have you trained a model inside RapidMiner with your fist labeled dataset ?
To better understand can you share both Excel files ?1 -
Hi @stefan_koerling,With RapidMiner 9.2 there is also a new feature in Auto Model which is able to do the necessary text processing automatically. You may want to give this a try. So the idea is to
- import your data into a repository, see this here: https://academy.rapidminer.com/learn/video/importing-data-in-rapidminer-studio
- Use Auto Model on this data then, see this here: https://academy.rapidminer.com/learn/video/auto-model-classification
You may want to check out some other videos on our Academy to learn more details and how-tos.Best,Ingo
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Hi @IngoRM thank you for your answer. Due to the videos I have understood the processes and results much better.