Handle error message "Too few examples"

Dear Rapidminer Community,
I have divided my process in several sub-processes and implemented in those processes are several filters. Those filters filter certain values in a certain time frame (e.g. 01.01.2015 - 20.04.2015). Sometimes the filters do not deliver any value, which triggers the error message "Too few examples". As this information is not important for me, I would like to "catch" this error message and the process should jump to the next sub-process(!) without any message/interruption. Is this possible to do? I would like to catch all of these error messages and simply let the process run until the end.
I hope it is clear what I want to do
Best regards
Hi Scott,
unfortunately I can't post it online because it is work related and contains sensitive data.
I don't know if it is useful but I have attached a picture of what the process looks like.
What I would like to do is that if there is an error in 2015 the process should jump to the next sub process according to my order (e.g. to 2016), if in 2016 there is again an error the process should jump to 2017 and so on..
Best regards
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Hi Martin,
thank you for your reply! I am not sure though if understand this operator correctly.
I have the option "Try" and "Catch" but what if both my "try" and my "catch" delivers an error? Furthermore, if I have more than two options, do I need to build a highly nested operator? With e.g. 5 "handle exceptions" in one "handle exception" operator, like a very complicated if-clause?
Best regards
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Hi Scott,
ok, I will try both ways with either a nested handle exception operator or maybe the select subprocess way.
Best regards
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Hi @felix_w
I have the option "Try" and "Catch" but what if both my "try" and my "catch" delivers an error?
I think you can avoid this situation if you chain few 'Handle Exception' operators together, and each of those handlers will contain only 'Try' section as on the screenshot:
This way, you execute the subprocess in 'Try' section and deliver results to the output port, and in case of any exception, just pass data through to the next handler without doing anything, and so on.