"RapidMiner Studio - Clarity of product development and open-source aspects"
Dear RapidMiner Team / Community,
I recently learned of the "business souce" shift of RapidMiner and took the time to read through the forums to understand the changes. What I'm unable to figure out, despite searching the forums is the actual product development and how that relates to open-source aspects of RapidMiner.
I"ll outline my understanding, could you confirm if they are valid or not:
1. The latest version of RapidMiner ("active version") is closed source and the source code isn't released to the community
2. The "active version" product roadmap is influenced and managed by RapidMiner development team
3. The previous version of RapidMiner("previous version") is released as open-source, both in terms of source code and as a binary
4. The code available on RapidMiner GitHub is for the "previous version"
5. The documentation on the "previous version" source code is not available in detail (in a detail that helps understanding the project structure and code)
Look forward to your answers and any other details you could share.
Many thanks,
Dear @neokrish,
i think there is some confusion. We switched our open-source strategy from v6 to v7 from business core to open core.
The open core, which you can download at github, contains most of the functionality of Studio. Some functionality (e.g. parallelism) is not part of the open core github sources.May I ask why you ask?