Importing jars to RapidMiner Server
My process includes a java snippet which imports an external library jar file. I moved the jar file to the studio lib folder and it is recognized in the studio java snippet import.
But when I move the process to server, where should I put the external jars? I put it in server installation folder, server uploads folder, server plugins folder and restarted server everytime. It is not being read by the server.
I am not building an extension but rather using an external library in the java snippet which gets imported and works in studio.
You need to put the jar files into the Server's ear file which is a normal Zip archive.
You'll find it in <installdir>/standalone/deployments/rapidminer-server-<version>.ear.
The server shouldn't be running while you manipulate the ear file. Create a backup before changing it.
This is of course not a supported configuration and will void any warranty.