Cannot log to the web interface

I have installed RapidMiner Server, getting the expected message that it was installed successfully, but I cannot log to the web interface using either http://localhost:8080 or http://<my_computer_name>:8080. I am getting http 404 error.
I used all default settings, leaving port and hostname etc unchanged. I skipped the configuration of database connection and email settings, but I guess it is not a reason? If I execute the standalone.bat file, I am getting the message that the service fails to start (see full log below)- however the installation tutorial claims it should be ignored anyway the server does not get started, so I start it through Services (which succeeds). Following the tutorial, I would like to log to the web interface, but it always responds with 404...
I am on Windows 7 with Java 8 (jre 8u131) 64bit
server.log file in /standalone/log directory:
i did the same thing as you the first time I installed this. You have to set up the database connection. Email can be skipped. I used mysql as described here:
This video was also useful:
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@amund, so do I need to uninstall it and reinstall back with the db connection specified? I skipped this cause I intended to connect using Active directory, which - as far as I am concerned - cannot be configured until server is already installed.
But fine, I can set it up and then change
Thanks for the quick response!
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Ok, that's beyond my knowledge - you might want to wait for the official staff to answer that question.
I just recently installed and noticed that it failed without a working database connection.
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Hi Katarzyna,
the database connection is the backend for RapidMiner Server. Active Directory is used to authenticate the users at the Server.
So the answer is yes, the easiest way to solve this is to reinstall RapidMiner Server with the specified database connection settings.
All further settings for Active Directory usage can be found at