"Need Detailed Directions on Configuration of Google BigQuery StarSchema JDBC Driver"

We use GBQ currently (legacy, not standard) and will thankfully be moving away from this in the coming months. However, the closed ecosystem creates so many issues for us, most notably access to the data through tools like RapidMiner. We have a lot of interest in your product but can't find a succing explanation for how to get a connector to GBQ going easily. I'm not a developer by background, so what little information I can find is complex and tends top lead me nowhere. Would you have any idea how I can get a simple step-by-step guide to configure this, including which off the dozen or so versions I should be using?
Many thanks.
Charlie Bryan
I think you will need bqjdbc-1.4.jar from that website. You can add JDBC drivers to RapidMiner Studio by opening the Manage Database Drivers dialog. You can see an example for MySQL here: http://docs.rapidminer.com/studio/how-to/mysql-connector.html
You need to do something similar for GBQ.
Best, Zoltan