Retreiving HTML Pages Requiring Login

byarno New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A


I am trying to download a series of HTML pages that require a user login using the Get Pages operator.  I tried the solution proposed in the post below, but the data I need did not come through (all non-password protected portions of the page did).  I also tried setting the user agent, and I am currently logged in to the site in my browser.  I am trying to download pages from, so maybe they have more stringent security settings, or maybe it has to do with the fact that only certain portions of the page are password protected.  Any ideas on how to get the password protected information is apprecated.


Here is an example of the link I am working with.  The information I'm interested in is the "status report" section:


Here is the solution I tried:









  • Marco_Boeck
    Marco_Boeck New Altair Community Member



    due to Cross Site Request Forgery prevention and other security measures, crawling password protected pages of modern web sites can be quite difficult indeed. Unfortunately, you won't have much luck in those cases I'm afraid.. That's also the reason why our new Web Crawler operator ("Crawl Web") only supports basic auth (the one with the ugly dialog popup asking for credentials).


