How can I assign a temperature boundary condition to a set of nodes in Simlab?

FranciscoRamirez Altair Community Member
edited May 2023 in Community Q&A

Hello experts!

I am trying to solve a steady state heat transfer problem in a solid using Simlab and Optistruct as a solver. I have a simple meshed part as shown below:


and I want to impose a prescribed temperature (e.g. 500 K) on the nodes selected (orange points on the image above). However, Simlab gives only two options (file:///C:/Program%20Files/Altair/2022.3/SimLab/hwx/help/SimLab/english/topics/analysis/ThermalTemperature.htm):

  1. Temperature on faces/edges
  2. Distributed temperature table


The second option seems to solve my problem, but I need to know the nodal coordinates of the nodes, as shown below:


or nodes IDs, as shown below:


When I select the nodes, I can see the list of nodes with their IDs:


Thus, I can manually enter 336 node IDs and their value, one by one. This can be a challenging task, even for a small problem like mine. Thus, the questions are:

  • Can I export the list of selected nodes in Simlab? This is because the value can be assigned more quickly in a spreadsheet and then imported into Simlab.
  • Is there any way within Simlab to assign a temperature to the selected nodes directly, as in many other CAE software?

Best Answer

  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2023 Answer ✓

    Hello Adriano,

    I tried to break the face, but the following error appears:


    The other options (Edge, Vertex, etc) are not possible because I have a mesh imported from an .inp file.

    Additionally, how to do the other tip (the other option is meant for distribution of space varying temperature)?


    if it is a solid, then you can 'break' the solid body into smaller regions using this 'from solid elem', first, and then create smaller faces, so that you can select them for applying temperatures.



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2023

    you need to have a smaller face.

    In order to do that, you could first break your larger face into a smaller one, so that this could be selected

  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2023

    you need to have a smaller face.

    In order to do that, you could first break your larger face into a smaller one, so that this could be selected

    by the way, the other option is meant for distribution of space varying temperature. Not exactly for your case.

  • FranciscoRamirez
    FranciscoRamirez Altair Community Member
    edited May 2023

    Hello Adriano,

    I tried to break the face, but the following error appears:


    The other options (Edge, Vertex, etc) are not possible because I have a mesh imported from an .inp file.

    Additionally, how to do the other tip (the other option is meant for distribution of space varying temperature)?


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2023 Answer ✓

    Hello Adriano,

    I tried to break the face, but the following error appears:


    The other options (Edge, Vertex, etc) are not possible because I have a mesh imported from an .inp file.

    Additionally, how to do the other tip (the other option is meant for distribution of space varying temperature)?


    if it is a solid, then you can 'break' the solid body into smaller regions using this 'from solid elem', first, and then create smaller faces, so that you can select them for applying temperatures.


  • FranciscoRamirez
    FranciscoRamirez Altair Community Member
    edited May 2024

    Hello Adriano,

    I tried to follow your instructions, but it creates a body. However, to impose a temperature it is necessary a face or edge or list of nodes. In my case, I only need to impose temperature in some nodes of the whole face:


    However, as the model is imported from an .inp file, I need to break "Face 4" in two faces.


    Inspired by your response, I create a face from elements (Geometry -> Create [Face group] -> From Elements):


    Now, I have 2 faces where I can put my desired boundary conditions:




  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2023

    Hello Adriano,

    I tried to follow your instructions, but it creates a body. However, to impose a temperature it is necessary a face or edge or list of nodes. In my case, I only need to impose temperature in some nodes of the whole face:


    However, as the model is imported from an .inp file, I need to break "Face 4" in two faces.


    Inspired by your response, I create a face from elements (Geometry -> Create [Face group] -> From Elements):


    Now, I have 2 faces where I can put my desired boundary conditions:



