"Import Configuration Wizard for Read Excel question"

New Altair Community Member
I have an Excel file with 100 colums of closing stock prices. My problem is that when I use the Import configuration wizard I get a mixture of real and numerical definitions for the data. For now I Ihave to change many of the colums back to either real of numerical so all the colums match. Is there a short cut to change all the data colums to real or numerical with out haveing to do it individualy? I am sure I missed something somwhere regarding using the Import wizard.
Ron McEwan
Ron McEwan
well, this shouldn't be possible at all in the latest version of RapidMiner. Anyway you can ignore this: Numeric is a more generic form of numerical data, so you won't loose anything. You can use an Numeric to Real operator, to do the transformation lateron if you need it.