"setting macros from command line"

New Altair Community Member
Is it possible to set macros when starting RapidMiner using the command-line script?
I would like to create a script that starts RapidMiner and runs a process, but with different macro values for the parameters that define the time interval over which I want RapidMiner to operate.
I would like to create a script that starts RapidMiner and runs a process, but with different macro values for the parameters that define the time interval over which I want RapidMiner to operate.
as far as I know not. Executing RapidMiner from command line isn't the desired way to integrate it at all. RapidAnalytics offers much better ways integrating RapidMiner processes in a workflow.
But of course you could write the parameter settings into a file, importing it as a csv file and reading the values from the exampleset into macros.
Sebastian0 -
Thanks for the reply. I wrote the parameters to CSV, then wrapped "Read CSV" --> "Loop Examples" work flow around my real work flow, and it works pretty well.
A problem is that there are thousands of connections to SQL Server in my "real work flow" for each instance of the settings in the CSV. And in spite of logverbosity="off" and "logfile=...\theLog.log", there are thousands of messages like "Sep 9, 2010 10:58:34 AM CONFIG: Connecting to the jdbc:sqlserver://theServer:1433...". At first these come out dozens per second, but as the job runs, it slows down. clicking the clear/erase icon on the logging tab restores the early speedy processing
So I've found 2 problems:
1. in spite of "logverbosity=off", the logging continues to the logging tab.
2. as log entries accumulate, my job slows down
I thought starting RapidMiner over would ameliorate #2 above - it gets rather boring to hover over the window and click the eraser icon...
PS: it sure would be nice to have an "Extract Macros" workflow step, that would work like a combination of "Extract Macro" and "Set Macros".
PPS: closing the logging tab reduces the processor utilization, so running without the real-time view may keep the processing rate up. Hard to tell, since I can't see the rate of opening SQL Server connections0 -
did you set the log verbosity of the process to off? It works for me.
You could use the log operators for getting insight without logging to console.
Sebastian0 -
Yes, such an operator might be useful. Please add it to the feature request list, if not already on it.
Sebastian0 -
I did try logverbosity=off, and the logging continued. (!!)
You wrote that logverbosity=off worked for you - was that with SQL Server? If so, perhaps we are using different jdbc drivers. I'm using the Microsoft JDBC driver. Here's the relevant line from my jdbc_properties.xml file:<driver dbnameseparator=";databaseName=" defaultport="1433" driver_jar="C:\Program Files\Rapid-I\RapidMiner5\lib\jdbc\sqljdbc4.jar" drivers="com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver" name="Microsoft SQL Server (MS)" urlprefix="jdbc:sqlserver://"/>
I don't see any obvious version information for this jar file, but the MANIFEST.MF file has a date/time stamp of 2009-01-08 15:45.
I'll add the "extract macro*s*" suggestion.
0 -
Hi Howard,
which logging do you refer to? The logging of RapidMiner should not be connected to any database special issues. Please send me a copy of your log, it might give hints which part of program does not obey the logging switch.