"Where are templates stored ?"

Axel New Altair Community Member
edited November 2024 in Community Q&A
Hi everybody,

I'm just testing user defined templates in RM5 and I think it is a very nice feature.
I just wonder where the templates are stored so that I can give them to colleagues or move them to another computer.
Shouldn't they be listed in the repository ?


P.S. Btw. I also have a problem deleting user defined templates.
      Under Tools/ManageTemplates I press Delete, but nothing happens.


  • Axel
    Axel New Altair Community Member
    Ok, I found it !

    They are stored locally under C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\User\.RapidMiner5\blabla.template
    But why ?  Why are they not stored in the repository ??

  • land
    land New Altair Community Member
    Hi Axel,
    this has more or less historical reasons: When inventing the Templates there simply weren't any Repositories...
    Anyway storing them in repositories is difficult, because it might not be desired to loose the templates when changing the repository.
