"WTP-Metadata-Error in Rapidminer5-zip"

New Altair Community Member
As the headline suggests, I have downloaded rapidminer5.0.zip (is this the final release ? there was no official announcement, was it ?) and still have problems with this error. What do I have to do to make it compile. I would fix it myself, but yeah, I do not have any clue.
thanks in advance
As the headline suggests, I have downloaded rapidminer5.0.zip (is this the final release ? there was no official announcement, was it ?) and still have problems with this error. What do I have to do to make it compile. I would fix it myself, but yeah, I do not have any clue.
thanks in advance
Hi Steffen,
there's an official announcement in the forum as well as we sent mails to everybody that has subscribed on our newsletter. Didn't you receive our mail?
I controlled that the src_generated directory is part of the zip file. So everything's fine. Did you add it to the class path, or in eclipse declared it as source folder?
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Hello Sebastian
Coincidence, I have got the mail an hour after I started this thread.
Regarding the problem: I have double checked that all four source folders are on the build path. Honestly, I have done nothing but using the option "import-existing project into workspace".
I have tried to build the project via ant anyway, so this happened:
If you need more information, just ask. One the other hand, if you can give me directions where I can investigate, don't hesitate, too. Some idiot has given me a cs diplom, maybe it is worth something
Buildfile: /home/steffen/workspaces/rapidfun/rapidminer/build.xml
[echo] Cleaning...
[delete] Deleting directory /home/steffen/workspaces/rapidfun/rapidminer/build
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/steffen/workspaces/rapidfun/rapidminer/build
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/steffen/workspaces/rapidfun/rapidminer/javadoc
/home/steffen/workspaces/rapidfun/rapidminer/build.xml:478: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/steffen/workspaces/rapidfun/rapidminer/build.xml:507: java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/steffen/workspaces/rapidfun/rapidminer/installation/version.nsi (No such file or directory)
Total time: 1 second...
steffen0 -
that's a surprise. I think it will solve your problem as soon as you create a file with this name, regardless of it's content. I didn't thought about that one can not log into a non existing file. Doesn't make sense to me. Anyway, if you would like add it to the bug tracker, feel free. My Bug Commit quota for today is exhausted
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Thanks for the help so far
I have created this file in the installation directory and rerun the ant-script. As a result, it first deletes the com.rapidminer.Version-file (as described in the ant-target "version.updateFiles"). Then ...
as specified by "<property name="license" location="licenses/short_license.txt" />". Yes, this file is missing (in the zip-file).
/home/steffen/workspaces/rapidfun/rapidminer/build.xml:478: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/steffen/workspaces/rapidfun/rapidminer/build.xml:515: Warning: Could not find file /home/steffen/workspaces/rapidfun/rapidminer/licenses/short_license.txt to copy.
I guess the easiest way is that you find a clean computer and try to build rapidminer there.
thanks again
ps: I added an entry to the bugtracker (http://bugs.rapid-i.com/show_bug.cgi?id=289), but I'd prefer to discuss THIS issue in this thread.
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thank you for the entry in the bug tracker, so it won't be lost over the next time. I doubt I will find the time for solving that issue in the next days.
Sebastian0 -
I had the same problem. I was able to copy the short_license.txt file from the plugin example zip files into the licenses directory of the tree and that seems to have fixed the issue. This file appears to contain only a commented out short version of the rapid miner GNU Affero General Public License in it and no code. With that file in place, a JAR file was easily generated. I'm uncertain the legal ramifications of posting a copy of the file here, so I'll refrain from doing so, but the solution seems easy enough (especially if you have a copy by virtue of having purchased the excellent plugin documentation for RM 5.0).0
Yeah, I thought about that, too.
Adding a file called short_license.txt with no text solves the problem, too. The WTP-metadata-error remains and the build-output is overflowed with warnings, but it worked !
Here is the part of the warnings (beside the code stuff) which may be interesting:
All left to do now is excluding the rapidminer-project from the problems-console and the hacking can begin.
[javac] warning: [path] bad path element "C:\workspaces\rm\rapidminer\lib\jung-api-2.0.jar": no such file or directory
[javac] warning: [path] bad path element "C:\workspaces\rm\rapidminer\lib\collections-generic-4.01.jar": no such file or directory
[javac] warning: [path] bad path element "C:\workspaces\rm\rapidminer\lib\colt-1.2.0.jar": no such file or directory
[javac] warning: [path] bad path element "C:\workspaces\rm\rapidminer\lib\concurrent-1.3.4.jar": no such file or directory
[javac] warning: [path] bad path element "C:\workspaces\rm\rapidminer\lib\jung-algorithms-2.0.jar": no such file or directory
[javac] warning: [path] bad path element "C:\workspaces\rm\rapidminer\lib\rapidminer.jar": no such file or directory
[javac] warning: [path] bad path element "C:\workspaces\rm\rapidminer\lib\jdbc\jcifs.jar": no such file or directory
steffen0 -
did anyone find the .jar file whose meta data point on these files?
Sebastian0 -
Sorry, no
By the way, which jar-file would list "rapidminer" as dependency (except plugins) ?