Why won't Apple let me install the macOS version of Altair SLC and Altair Analytics Workbench?
Some of our macOS users are faced with warnings and alerts when they download or install Altair SLC and Altair Analytics Workbench on their Mac.
The installation programs are:
- altairanalyticsworkbench-<version>-macos-x86_64.dmg
- altairslc-<version>-macos-x86_64.dmg
Sometimes the message is that the download is damaged. Sometimes the problem is that it cannot be verified to contain no malicious code.
The reason for these alarming message is that we don't use Apple's Notarize system, though we do use Apple's slightly older mechanism for certification that still works okay for us and our users. If you are careful to follow the steps in our installation notes and there should be no messages from the macOS malicious software checker and you will be able to proceed and use our software.
You may be able to use this suggestion from Apple https://support.apple.com/en-ph/guide/mac-help/mchleab3a043/mac to allow the app to be saved as an exception to your default security settings.
- Download the .dmg file from the Altair website to your download folder.
- Open the download folder and double-click the downloaded file. A Finder window opens, through which the content of the .dmg file is made available.
- Drag the application AltairSLC.app from the .dmg window into your system's Applications folder. To do this you might need to enter an administrator password.
If the message says that the application is 'damaged' then you may be able to fix it by running this command in a Terminal window:
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/AltairSLC.app
(Or similarly for AltairAnalyticsWorkbench.app)
You may need to be an administrator to run the xattr command.