Start LicenseMonitor on Windows (LicenseMonitor)

This section should be used just to get the product running and begin monitoring license servers.
Create an account on Altair’s website
Go to and create an account by clicking “Login” on the top right corner, then click "CREATE AN ACCOUNT".
Follow the instructions to register an account.
Now, check your email which you used to register and click the link in your email to activate your account.
At this point, an account has been created, however Altair will need to approve it to allow download of any software. An email will be sent confirming your account has been created and downloading is now allowed. A separate username/password will be set up to access the download site.
Downloading LicenseMonitor (LM)
Go to and login by clicking “Login” at the top right corner.
Click on “Downloads” at the right upper corner. You will be asked to login to the FTP download site. This username/password may be different from the one you used to login to Altair site.
Choose your prefer way of accessing the target release. eg. "Go to the Files tab"/"General_Availability" and go down to the release area.
Under documentation it is recommended to download the “LicenseMonitor Administrator’s Guide” and “LicenseMonitor User’s Guide”.
Under SFDs (Single-file Distributables) and download the “lm-win64.exe”.
Starting LicenseMonitor (not as a service)
Go to the directory where the file "lm-win64.exe" was downloaded.
Double click "lm-win64.exe" to execute the installation program.
Fill in the info. You may leave the default port numbers.
In the Extraction directory field put the path to where you’d like to extract the LicenseMonitor executables. Note: be sure to use forward slashes and NOT back slashes in the path.
Default path is: c:/altair/lm
In the Server working directory field, enter the path where you’d like the SWD to be. Again, be sure to add forward slashes instead of backslashes.
Default path is: c:/altair/swd
In the Local configuration directoryfield, enter the path where you’d like the Local directory to be. Again, be sure to add forward slashes instead of backslashes.
Default path is: c:/altair/local
If you have an RLM server running for licenses and already have an RTDA license, enter the path to the server under the “RLM server” field. If not, leave it blank.
Leave the rest of the fields as not change.
Click “Start”.
Please be patient as the extraction may time some time.
When LicenseMonitor is started, you will see “LM running as process XXXX” at the bottom of the window.
Note some firewalls may block access to vovserver or nginx. If you see any warning messages, please enable/allow access
You may have to clear the license setting if you use License Key file instead of RLM. Place the received License Key file (ensure it's "KEY file" type in Windows) at c:/altair/swd/licmon.swd/license.key (or the path you have specified in the previous step). Go to "Admin/Licensing" on the Web UI (http://localhost:5555), clear the RLM_LICENSE field (remove all text), press "Update VovServer's RLM_LICENSE variable", then press "Re-Acquire All Licenses"
Setting up LicenseMonitor to begin monitoring
Enter credentials using the machine’s log in and click “Login”.
Go to the Admin tab.
Hover over the “System” menu, and click on “Database Information”.
Choose a location where the database should reside (keep in mind, this will be permanent and cannot be changed later on) and click “Save Location”.
Under Database Control, click and drag the slider from left to right until the icon turns green.
Once the database is started, there will be details as to the size, # of checkouts, users, denials, etc.
To add a license server monitor go to the Admin tab.
Enter details for at least 1-4
On the bottom left click “Add New Monitor”.
If you do not have a license, please send a screenshot of the Admin > Licensing page to and we will get a license.
If you do have a license, go back to the lm-win64 application and via windows explorer, go the path defined under “Working Server Directory”.
Rename the license as “license.key” and place it under licmon.swd directory.
Confirm the file type was indeed change to “key”.
Go back to the web interface and change the URL to http://localhost:5555/server.
On the left hand side, under “Actions” click “Sanity”.
Data should now be populating in the home page.