Altair Monarch Exercise 5 - Homes Analysis
Altair Employee
Exercise Files
You can download all Monarch exercise files here: Monarch Sample Files for Exercises
- Homes.txt
Exercise Overview
You are a Real Estate Analyst and your Manager has asked you to analyze data on Property Listings using Altair Monarch Classic:
- What is the total number of properties, total assessment of those properties, and the average assessment?
- What is the average price by the ‘Style’ of property?
- Create a Calculated Field to identify properties with an Estimated Age Greater Than or Equal to 20 years.
- Create an Excel Export by Filter for each ‘Town’ by tab into a single workbook.
- Create an Excel Export by Summary Key for each ‘Listed By’ Vendor by tab into a single workbook.
Exercise Answer
Not sure you got the correct answer? No problem. Watch the video below for a demonstration of this exercise from start to finish.