Modelling inflatable emergency landing systems using Altair Radioss

PolyviosR_21220 New Altair Community Member
edited September 2024 in Altair HyperWorks



This article presents different methods for modelling emergency landing systems using Radioss monitored volumes. The loadcase here is the impact of a vehicle on the ground with an initial velocity.

Several approaches are used to model the balloons’ behavior and can be compared:

  1. Uniform Pressure Sub-Chambers formulation (/MONVOL/COMMU1) to determine the initial pressure required to mitigate cabin impact on the ground:
    1. Balloons without over-pressure (no_over_pressure_0000.rad)
    2. Balloons with small over-pressure (small_over_pressure_0000.rad)
    3. Balloons with bigger over-pressure (bigger_over_pressure_0000.rad)
  2. Uniform Pressure Sub-Chambers formulation with the addition of venting holes (venting_holes_0000.rad)
  3. Finite Volume Method formulation (/MONVOL/FVMBAG1) for 3D CFD (fvm_0000.rad)


Useful post processing results are created and discussed to showcase the effect of each formulation.

Available files :

Presentation pdf | Presentation ppsx | Models Files