EDEMpy - Porosity Example

Altair Employee
edited August 2023 in Altair Exchange


EDEM Voidage is the percentage of space not taken up by particles. Voidage can be obtained by creating a Grid Bin and Creating a Voidage query. The Voidage property is calculated as:

Voidage therefore does not consider the overlap between particles, which this quantifies the deformation of the particles. A particle which overlaps two or more bins will only be counted in the bin that contains the particle center of mass.

EDEMpy Porosity consider the overlap between particles and be counted in the bin that contains the particle volume, Radius, mass and overlap distance etc…

Result Image

Please refer to the attached PDF files for more details about the model.

If you have any questions about this example please contact me at mikyung@altair.com

Best Regards,


Usage/Installation Instructions

*Please refer to the attached file.


  • Tony Arthur
    Tony Arthur Altair Community Member
    edited April 6

    Has anbody been able to use this porosity exe. the guide says we should run the .py file but there is nothing like that and I do not know how to make use of the exe file.

    Please I need help with this.

    Thank you 

  • Community Guest
    Community Guest New Altair Community Member
    edited May 14

    Has anbody been able to use this porosity exe. the guide says we should run the .py file but there is nothing like that and I do not know how to make use of the exe file.

    Please I need help with this.

    Thank you 

    the same question with you

  • Community Guest
    Community Guest New Altair Community Member
    edited May 14

    Has anbody been able to use this porosity exe. the guide says we should run the .py file but there is nothing like that and I do not know how to make use of the exe file.

    Please I need help with this.

    Thank you 

    the more details are as follows:

    EDEM porosity.exe is a standalone executable and is run by specifying a set of flags. You can use Anaconda console.


  • Community Guest
    Community Guest New Altair Community Member
    edited May 20

    I used porosity exe. But I am confused about the output and input. In my case, the box size is 256 256 256, not matter how i change the box size in my EDEM simulation.  but the box size changed with the minpos and maxpos. It looks like the box size is scaled with minpos and maxpos. So, is the output box size actually define the grid size in mm instead of my EDEM model size?    In addition, when I set minpos -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 maxpos 0.5 0.5 0.5, the box size is 256 256 256. Anybody know how to convert minpos and maxposto box size.

  • MikyungYang
    Altair Employee
    edited May 20

    I used porosity exe. But I am confused about the output and input. In my case, the box size is 256 256 256, not matter how i change the box size in my EDEM simulation.  but the box size changed with the minpos and maxpos. It looks like the box size is scaled with minpos and maxpos. So, is the output box size actually define the grid size in mm instead of my EDEM model size?    In addition, when I set minpos -0.5 -0.5 -0.5 maxpos 0.5 0.5 0.5, the box size is 256 256 256. Anybody know how to convert minpos and maxposto box size.


    There Box size means EDEM Domain minimumX,Y,Z and maximumX,Y,Z size.

    Also this box size follow the meter unit.



  • Community Guest
    Community Guest New Altair Community Member
    edited May 23


    There Box size means EDEM Domain minimumX,Y,Z and maximumX,Y,Z size.

    Also this box size follow the meter unit.



    Hi,thanks for answering.

    In the EDEM_how_to_use.pdf, the box size is in mm unit. Is it wrong?

    if the BOX size mean the EDEM Domain, why it change with the minpos and maxpos? I think it is fixed when you done the EDEM simulation. When you run this porosity.py, it should not change anything of the original EDEM simulation.

    Does minpos and maxpos define the region where cubes are set?

    By the way, is this source code an open source code?