Simulation of Robotic Lawnmower with Altair Tools
For engineers developing lawnmowers, it can be very difficult to predict the cut height uniformity of the grass, the effect of blade rotational speeds for the mower blades, and the power required for the mower to work efficiently. Furthermore, the blades of the mower not only cut the grass but also generate significant airflow that aids in the cutting and spreading of grass. Noise generated by mowers is something that designers also need to consider, preferably the mower should be as quiet as possible, but this is a challenging task that often conflicts with the ability of the mower to cut and spread grass.
During this webinar you will learn how to use Altair® EDEM™ to simulate and optimize grass cutting with a robotic lawn mower. We will use Altair® ACUSOLVE™ to predict the airflow generated by the blades and couple the simulation with EDEM to accurately represent the mower interaction with the grass. We will also leverage Altair® ULTRAFLUIDX™ to predict and visualize the noise generated by the blades. The webinar will include:
- An introduction to sphero-cylinder particles to simulate flexible material,
- How to create realistic grass fibers using the Bonding Contact Model in EDEM,
- Calibrating the EDEM model parameters to match the physical properties of the grass stem,
- Measuring the cut quality and length of the cut grass using EDEM Analyst tools,
- How to Predict the noise generated by the mower blades,
- How to setup and run a CFD analysis, and
- How to combine the airflow from the CFD analysis with the DEM simulation.
Watch a recording of this webinar on YouTube