Access and use the free Altair Student Edition - Step 3 – Download and Install a Software from within the Student Edition Bundle of your choice

Altair Employee
edited January 10 in Academic

Step 3 – Download and Install a Software from within the Student Edition Bundle of your choice

1. After successfully registering on Altair One, visit and sign in, after logging into your Altair One account, the screen displayed below will appear. Click on Altair Marketplace. You can also access the marketplace using the menu button on the top left


2. Navigate to the "Suites" section and select the checkbox next to "Student Edition Bundle" to access all the software included in the free Student Edition Bundle. (i in image below)

3. Scroll to locate the required software and select it by clicking on the respective box. (ii image in below)

4. Navigate to the download tab. (iii in image below)

5. Click on the download icon to initiate the download of the .exe file. (iv in image below)

6. Once the download of the .exe file is complete, navigate to the folder where the file is saved (on your computer). Double-click on the downloaded file (.exe file) to initiate the installation process and follow the subsequent steps to install the software on your computer.

7. Each tool also has installation instructions in a pdf to the left of the download button indicated above.


  • Dattatreyulu
    Dattatreyulu Altair Community Member

    I have already completed this step. The license manager is getting downloaded but the while opening any Altair application(ex-Inspire,data analytics) it is showing that license is not activated.

  • Rahul_P1
    Altair Employee



    You do not need to download the license manager to activate with the student license key,

    You need to enter the key in the ALMUTIL GUI, which is part of the installation folder of the product, Please see -

  • Dattatreyulu
    Dattatreyulu Altair Community Member

    Yes sir, I have already entered the activation key in the ALMUTIL.GUL , it showed me that license got activated previously . but still it is showing some error in your license as i open Altair hypermesh app.

    Akella Dattatreyulu
