How to input a time signal in Feko

Altair Employee

In the time signal example (attached), a monopole antenna works as a sinusoidal wave transmitter and a dipole does as a receiver.
Step 1: Model setup in CADFEKO and solving in frequency domain
- Monopole (Tx): Voltage source (1V)
- Dipole (Rx): 50 Ohm Load
- Request: Near field distribution between Tx and Rx
Step 2: Define a input time signal in POSTFEKO
- Input time signal: Sinusoidal wave of 300 MHz
- Time analysis > New time signal
- Signal type = Define pulse mathematically
- Time axis unit= ns
- Total signal duration = 10 ns
- f(t)= sin(2*3.14*300*10^6*t)
Step 3: Post-process the time domain output from “Time analysis” tab
- Put the near-field distribution in 3D view
- Add the voltages measured at Tx and Rx ports to Rectangular graph