Rendering EDEM Results Using Inspire Studio

Ignacio Diez Alonso_21259
Ignacio Diez Alonso_21259
Altair Employee
edited December 2023 in Altair HyperWorks

After analyzing your EDEM results within the EDEM Analyst, if you are interested in having the most impressive visualization of your simulation, then you should consider rendering your EDEM results using Inspire Studio.

Inspire Studio allows you to import EDEM h5 files directly to visualize your bulk material. You can load a single time-step or a range of time-steps. Any equipment can also be imported using the CAD files from the original EDEM simulation.


Any equipment or bulk materials that are to be rendered inside Inspire Studio will need to have a material assigned. For each material you can either choose one from Inspire Studio’s material library or create your own. You can also set a specific lighting or environment from the different settings available in the Rendering tab, or preview what your system looks like before moving onto rendering an image or animation of your simulation results.


Before commencing with the rendering, select a resolution from the available list of options or set the width and height in the Camera/Rendering settings from the Rendering tab. You can render a single image by clicking on ‘Render’ in the Rendering tab, or you can render an animation by clicking on ‘Render’ from the Animation tab.



Depending on how many frames are being rendered and the resolution used, it may take some time to complete the rendering process. Once the rendering is complete, you can enjoy viewing your simulation results with impressive animations like the ones below.

For a video walkthrough of the process check the following video: How to Render EDEM videos and images

You can also find some example files to give this a try and some additional information in this article: How to create photo-realistic renders of EDEM simulations using Inspire Studio

And if you want to find out more about rendering EDEM results in Inspire Studio and watch a hands-on demo, check out this webinar: EDEM Webinar - Rendering EDEM Results

If you are getting started with EDEM have a look at our tutorials: EDEM Tutorials

and our e-learning courses: New to EDEM ? – Check the EDEM eLearning Courses




  • Claudio Santia
    Claudio Santia
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2022

    Great introduction

  • Unknown
    edited September 2023

    Thanks for the introduction!
    When I import a .h5 file from my EDEM simulation, the geometry is missing. Also, the names of the particles are different and it is difficult to figure out the corresponding particle in EDEM. Could you help me with those problems?

  • Ignacio Diez Alonso_21259
    Ignacio Diez Alonso_21259
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2023

    Thanks for the introduction!
    When I import a .h5 file from my EDEM simulation, the geometry is missing. Also, the names of the particles are different and it is difficult to figure out the corresponding particle in EDEM. Could you help me with those problems?

    Hi Ahmed, to give you the best support possible with this could you please create a support ticket using the following link: ""; . That way myself or one of my colleagues will be able to look into your question in depth and follow up with you.

    I will mention now that the particle import name is indeed different, but they should import in the same order as they are in EDEM so you can rename them in Inspire Studio once they are imported.

  • Unknown
    edited September 2023

    Thanks for the introduction!
    When I import a .h5 file from my EDEM simulation, the geometry is missing. Also, the names of the particles are different and it is difficult to figure out the corresponding particle in EDEM. Could you help me with those problems?

    Hi Ahmed, to give you the best support possible with this could you please create a support ticket using the following link: ""; . That way myself or one of my colleagues will be able to look into your question in depth and follow up with you.

    I will mention now that the particle import name is indeed different, but they should import in the same order as they are in EDEM so you can rename them in Inspire Studio once they are imported.

    Hi Ignacio,

    Thanks for your reply. I have already posted a question in the Inspire Studio forum and await an answer.