New release: Breeze 2022.2.0

Breeze 2022.2.0 has been released.
This new version includes improved handling of symlinks, important for containerising or migrating legacy workflows. It is now possible to export data from the symlinks view, which maps the path accessed to the real path of the file recourse. Breeze also comes with a tool to discover intermediate symlinks so if your environment has many chained symlinks, Breeze will make it easy to untangle the resources needed to containerise or migrate your application. The complexity of dependencies in legacy workflows can be a major blocker for cloud migration, but Breeze makes this problem easy to solve by detecting which files, libraries and binaries you need to migrate to the cloud.
Breeze also has improved integration with Altair Grid Engine 2022.1.0 through a new Breeze mode. If enabled, Breeze can be invoked by users simply by setting an environment variable. For more information consult the Breeze or Grid Engine documentation.
To download Breeze go to the Altair One Marketplace