How to enable group detection in Grid Engine usersets
Hello, I'm trying to set up Altair Grid Engine with two "departments," using UNIX groups to specify which users are in which department. The departments have 50/50 access to our cluster resources. If I add users one-by-one to the user set, it works fine. However, if I add their group using "@groupname", users in that group…
Announcing Altair Grid Engine 2024.1.0 (8.9.0)
I'm happy to announce Altair Grid Engine (AGE) 2024.1.0 (8.9.0) which is now ready for download from Altair Marketplace: https://altairone.com/Marketplace?queryText=grid+engine Major new functionality in this release: * Cgroups v2 support * Latest Linux distributions such as RHEL/Rocky/Alma 9 and Ubuntu 22.04 enable the…
GPU integration with UGE
Is there a comprehensive document that explain how to integrate compute nodes with GPUs with GE 2023.1 (8.8.1)? I have DCGM running (, and have adjusted complex and host conf based on pp 215-216 of the admin guide, hence qconf -se, qstat and qacct gives me cuda/gpu info, but the gpu_usage filed remains NONE (qstat…
Equivalent qsub command for drmaa2 job
Hello, I'm using DRMAA2 APIs to submit and monitor jobs to Altair Grid Engine. I was wondering if there any way to get qsub command that is equivalent to DRMAA2 job ? This would be helpful for debugging issues outside DRMAA2 API calls.
Jobs not running on AGE, --------------STOP-SCHEDULER-RUN-------------
Hello, We are running Altair Grid Engine v8.6.7 on Linux Centos 7.9. It is working fine since a long time. We had to reboot our master node, executing the sge_qmaster service. Since this time, jobs are unable to enter in a running state. I have rebooted one execution node. But there is no change. Here is what I have on the…
How can we Automate the SGE/UGE Client installation on multiple clients with a common setting to all the clients.
1) How can we Automate the SGE Client installation on multiple clients with a common setting to all the clients with out actually Log in on each machine in the cluster and install the execution daemons with default options for everything: cd $SGE_ROOT ./install_execd 2) How to restore the backup to the SGE Master node.…
Altair Grid Engineのライセンス設定とその確認について
この文書ではAltair Grid Engineのライセンスの確認方法について説明します。 ----------------------------------------------------------------- AGE(Altair Grid Engine),およびALM(Altair License Manager)に関するドキュメントの入手に関しては以下のリンクをご確認ください。 KB0123030: Altair Grid Engine および ALM (License Manager) 関連のドキュメント/モジュールのダウンロード…
How to divide select appropriate resource for MIG GPU
Hi, I recently upgraded to AGE 2023.1.0 (8.8.0) for the MIG support in dividing up 3x 40 G A100 Nvidia GPU on a cluster. I successfully partitioned each card into 7 x 5g MIG devices and assigned them as a resource gpu, qconf -mc #name shortcut type relop requestable consumable default urgency aapre affinity do_report…
grid engine license log file
Hi I just setup licensing for Altair grid engine and I'm noticing the output below in the log file, is this the expected information for licensing. I was expecting it to show the username and host checking out the license. Shows root for every checkout. Any info would be appreciated. [2023-08-16 12:51:51] CHECKOUT by…
Announcing Altair Grid Engine 2023.1.0 (8.8.0)
I'm happy to announce general availability of Altair Grid Engine (AGE) 2023.1.0 (8.8.0) which is now ready for download from Altair Marketplace: https://altairone.com/Marketplace?queryText=grid+engine Major new functionality in this release * Production ready GraphQL (GQL) API * added OIDC (OpenId Connect) authentication…
Permissions required for the Grid Engine installation
Does the installation of the Grid Engine on a VM require root privileges ? (./install_qmaster and ./install_execd ) We are replacing some of our servers running Grid Engine and it is not clear in the documentation we have that the installation does really requires root privileges. Regards, Adel Manaa Air France
Upgrading from 8.1.6 to 8.7
Is it possible to upgrade from grid 8.1.6 to 8.7. Or what is the recommended path. I tried running inst_sge -upd with backup it seems to hang at the following point below.
Does AGE support Ubuntu 22 cluster nodes in general ?
Hi, Can we run AGE on Ubuntu 22 cluster nodes ? I am seeing an error regarding cgroups. Are there any workarounds or possibilities running Ubuntu 22 ? Thanks, Gerald Fontenay P.S. Booting the node into cgroups v1 via grub seems to work, actually.
What makes life sciences different from other HPC industries?
Life sciences center relies on HPC to accelerate the time to science to further our knowledge of the world and to save lives. The compute needs are often distinct from the requirements of more general HPC centers or other industry verticals. For example, the biologists and bioinformaticians at Bielefeld University’s Center…
Success with scaling 3x in the cloud for Johnson and Johnson
Cloud computing offers scalability and access to new and innovative technology when you need it, but it comes at a price. You need to be conscious of budgets, resources, and applications as well as jobs and user access, all while battling steep costs and unused, overused, or underused clusters running when they shouldn’t…
Eliminating noisy neighbours and bad I/O at Diamond Light Source
In high-performance computing (HPC), no two environments are the same due to the wide range of applications run at each centre. Workload managers like Altair® Grid Engine® have sophisticated options to ensure that compute resources are shared effectively that are flexible enough to cope with a wide range of different needs…
Hello all I'm new to the grid engine our engine doesn't appear to be accepting jobs I'd like to initially check license status I read the documentation it's telling me hlmd -status will report this but it's not working any help would be greatly appre
Hello all I'm new to the grid engine our engine doesn't appear to be accepting jobs I'd like to initially check license status I read the documentation it's telling me hlmd -status will report this but it's not working any help would be greatly appreciated. Version according to grid support is 8.6.8 but that's not a choice…
Maximising return on investment on GPUs with Altair Grid Engine
Our customers choose Grid Engine because it delivers high system utilization without being complex to administer. Users get their results more quickly, IT admins don’t have to play nanny to queues and slowdowns, and the organization's budget managers are happy because high utilization and fast time to results represents…
How to Install Unisight 4.7.0 (dockerized version)
The below instructions assume that your site has already installed Altair Grid Engine. UniSight is used for monitoring live and historical data of Altair Grid Engine. The below instructions are to assist with the installation and setup of UniSight and assume that your site has internet connectivity. For sites that must…
Do you want to learn more about "Altair Grid Engine"? There is dedicated training!
Hi all, We have a new Instructor Led Training offering about “Altair Grid Engine”. Please visit the Altair Learn site (https://learn.altair.com/) under Class Schedule to view available dates. For more comprehensive information about Altair Grid Engine, please ask your Altair representative about it. Please feel free to…
Modern Workload Management APIs (A New Era of Workload Management)
A New Era of Workload Management Modern Workload Management APIs Fritz Ferstl, fferstl@altair.com HPC IT Modernization and APIs IT infrastructure modernization is sweeping through High Performance Computing (HPC) data centers. This is driven by a new class of HPC hardware and software components, such as Graphical…
New Release: Mistral 2022.2.0
Mistral 2022.2.0 has been released. This new version include the GA release of the new back end to Mistral, previous only available as a beta feature. This new back end includes significant performance improvement. Customers upgrading to this version of Mistral should use the templates supplied and should copy in their…
New release: Breeze 2022.2.0
Breeze 2022.2.0 has been released. This new version includes improved handling of symlinks, important for containerising or migrating legacy workflows. It is now possible to export data from the symlinks view, which maps the path accessed to the real path of the file recourse. Breeze also comes with a tool to discover…
What Will Quantum HPC Look Like?
Quantum computers are moving from the world of science fiction into science fact. Most machines only have a few qubits, but as they expand, the computational complexity of preparing workloads for quantum computers is going to explode. Here at Altair, we are preparing for that future. HPC and quantum computing are entangled…
Boosting Stability and Scalability: CC-IN2P3 Provides Robust Infrastructure for Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics
The computing center at the National Institute of Nuclear and Particle Physics (CC-IN2P3) is dedicated to data storage and analysis for France’s National Center for Scientific Research. CCIN2P3 provides a 24/7 data hub for international physics, allowing more than 2,500 researchers to collaborate through its data storage,…