PBS Pro Exit_status 262/267 cause

Takayoshi Toyama
Takayoshi Toyama Altair Community Member
edited January 2024 in 質問と回答 (Q&A)

There are JOBS that end with an error.

When I checked with the "qstat -xf" command, the Exit_status returned 262/267.

What could be the cause of the Exit_status 262/267?

The PBS version uses 19.2.6.


  • Jake Goldingay
    Jake Goldingay
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2024

    Hi Takayoshi,

    Exit_status 262 and 267 indicates that the Jobs were killed with the below signals.


    262 = 6 - SIGABRT 
    267 = 11 - SIGSEGV

    Checking your stdout and stderr files for this job would be the next step as this is likely to have some further information on what happened.