Error from Acusolver

I have an Error from the Solver AcuSolver.
I try to solve a Thermical CFD simulation with a Heat Sorce, Inlet, Outlet and the Fluid Air (Bossinesq)
The Error Message from the Solver is: Error: problem does not have temperature_flow equation
I dont know where my mistake is. Could you help me.
Best Regards,
Best Answer
Go to setup > physics > solver controls and make sure temperature flow is tuned on.
Is your inlet condition stagnation pressure or a very small velocity? The latter is preferable if you are trying to do a steady state simulation.
Go to setup > physics > solver controls and make sure temperature flow is tuned on.
Is your inlet condition stagnation pressure or a very small velocity? The latter is preferable if you are trying to do a steady state simulation.
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Hopefully the above answer solved your issue. If not, please upload your .inp and .Log file (they have no geometry information, so should be generally ok).0