Convergence NLSTAT

I'm performing a nonlinear static analysis (NLSTAT) on a FEM model.
I had some doubts about options on the card NLPARM.
The options for convergence are set on UPW. I was wondering, for this type of analysis can set them on P?
What is the difference?
Best Regard,
HI Alessio,
UPW are the convergence criteria's for a nonlinear problem.
U stands for displacement based convergence criterion, P stands for load based convergence criterion and W stands for work /strain energy based convergence criterion.
Tight convergence is recommended for accurate results and hence UPW is could have loose convergence by choosing combination of criteria's but may end up compromising with result accuracy
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how can we decide value of NINC,KSTEP,MAXITER,EPSU,EPSP,EPSW in NLPARM and TTERM in load step.
thank you