Compute total mass flowing out through the outlet?

Hi community,
I notice that we can easily plot the mass flux in HyperWorks CFD.
But I can not find the tool which we can plot the total mass (or total volume) through out an outlet.
Is there any way we can do that in HyperWorks CFD?
Based on your parts tree, I would conclude that you have one inlet, one outlet and wall.
So whatever you see as mass flux at outlet is the total mass flux.
Why would you need the total mass and not the mass flux? Is it a transient simulation with multiphase? Probably I do not understand your question correctly.
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Yes, you're correct.
It has one outlet, inlet and wall.
It's a multiphase analysis.
But this a a simple model that I take to run fast.
Actually, my model is more complex and the mass flux varies according to time.
So, the aim that I want is to check how long I will gain a specific amount of mass.
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James Lewis said:
Yes, you're correct.
It has one outlet, inlet and wall.
It's a multiphase analysis.
But this a a simple model that I take to run fast.
Actually, my model is more complex and the mass flux varies according to time.
So, the aim that I want is to check how long I will gain a specific amount of mass.
It appears you're looking for the mass-flux data, integrated over time - to get total mass in time. I don't think we have that tool available at present. You can bring the data to Excel, etc, to do the integration in time. I don't know if HyperGraph can also do that type of calculation.
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How to integrate a curve in HyperView - YouTube
math function - HyperGraph - Altair Products - Altair Community
HyperGraph is able to find the area under the curve. You can export AcuSolve data using the "convert" tool in HW-CFD or acuTrans command.
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ydigit_21275 said:
How to integrate a curve in HyperView - YouTube
math function - HyperGraph - Altair Products - Altair Community
HyperGraph is able to find the area under the curve. You can export AcuSolve data using the "convert" tool in HW-CFD or acuTrans command.
Thank you very much.
I would try it.