Rope on Radioss

I'm simulating the fall of a mass held by a dynamic rope, as in the case of climbing. I modeled the rope with 100 type 4 spring elements in series. I have given laws as a function of the deformations that follow the odgen model instead of the law "f". I wanted to know if the law is applied to every single element or if it is applied to the whole component directly. I also imposed a law of damping with two different constants based on the sign of the strain rate by defining the function "h", is that correct?
The stiffness you defined is applied to each element, as for /PART with /PROP/TYPE4 you do not define /MAT material.
and if in the property you were using Ileng=0, the force is due to the elongation of spring . if Ileng=1, Force is computed using the strain
Please refer to the documentation
yes, you can define the damp in the 3rd quadrant as well.
I hope this is helpful