Displacements and load stepped simulation

Hi everyone,
I am trying to create two simulations for a brick. They have a very similar setup just the direction of loading are different. The first one is for tension along the X direction while the second one is for pure shear along the XY direction.
There is a time-dependent uniform temperature field defined. I would like to have results every 10s. It starts for 3000s with nothing happening, then applying the first displacement instantly and hold for 3000s, then do the same for the second displacement, then releasing everything and hold for 3000s, then applying the first loading instantly and hold for 3000s, then do the same for the second loading, finally releasing everything and hold for 3000s.
How can I apply the displacement conditions instantly and not have them gradually applied? For the tension model, how do I apply the force conditions as it is currently not working?
For the shear part, how can I link the Y displacement of the top nodes? In ANSYS, I do this by running this command CP,1,UY,ALL on the selected nodes.
Thanks for your help.
to perform this, you need to define a transient analysis and define the time signal accordingly.
There are a few tutorials on transient analysis in the tutorials section of the help of OptiStruct.
your TABLED1 will take care of each step-up/down, and duration.
TSTEP control the calculation and output interval.
For Imposed Displcaement you're going to use SPCD to enforce a displacement on selected nodes.