Skewing in Altair FluxMotor 2021 discrete or continious?

in FluxMotor it is possible to add skewing but it´s not possible to change between discrete and continous skewing.
In the design it is looking like a continous skewing but in the back emf measurements there is a defined "No. of skew layers" which is a discrete skewing with predefined steps which could not be changed from the user? How is it in reality? What is simulated in the background?
Thank you
Hi Noel,
Today, FluxMotor considers only continuous skew. To achieve this FluxMotor uses Flux skew application in the background, the method used is multi-slice 2D approach with the results between slices interpolated for continuous skew. That is why you see an option for the number of skew layers, this will determine the accuracy of the results, but it is still continuous skew.
The recent version of Flux skew (2022.2) allows to consider both discrete (step) or continuous skew, but this has not been integrated in FluxMotor yet. If you have the latest version of FluxMotor and Flux, what you can is to export model from FluxMotor to Flux skew and then you can change the setting of the application for discrete instead of continuous skew.