How to Apply Bearing pressure in Newtons in local co-ordidate system direction

Sid_22073 Altair Community Member
edited 2023 11 in Community Q&A


How to Apply Bearing Load in Newton in local cylindrical co-ordidate system. I.e I want apply load at an angle.

Unfortunately I could not able to select the local cordinates in selection window. 

Note I have only the force (N).

Can someone help on this ?

or is there any alternative? eg. Like applying pressure on semiload angle of 90deg 

If i decide for applying pressure,

Then P = F/A

Here for Area, do I need to take the complete circumfrential area of the bearing surface or only half 


Kind regards,


Best Answer

  • AlessioLibrandi
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 11 Answer ✓
    Sid_22073 said:

    Thanks Allessio for the clarification.

    In this case of pressure application,

    How to calculate the magnitude of pressure. Because I have only Force (N). ( Eg 1000N)

    I want to apply only for semiload angle of 90 deg . So to calculate the pressure 

    Then P = F/A

    Here for Area (A), do I need to take the complete (360 deg) circumfrential area of the bearing surface or only half  of the surface.

    In both case how the magnitude of pressure applied ?

    How to validate the Force value is same as applied pressure.


    KInd regards,



    Hello, use the Bearing Pressure panel to distribute the force. Just input the total load, and SimLab will create a Pressure distribution according to the semiangle you choose. Typically, you only take half of the surface, i.e., 90 deg is the maximum semiangle you need.

    Please just press F1 when the Bearing Pressure panel is open and you will visualize the related help page which should clarify most questions.

    If you need to verify afterwards the resultant of the pressure distribution, you can use the panel RESULTANT LOAD according to the picture.




  • AlessioLibrandi
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 13


    if you choose "force components" you are allowed to pick a local coordinate system, but only a RECTANGULAR CS. Cylindrical CS can not be selected.

    Anyway you can select also a cylindrical CS if you use the option "magnitude and direction" and then "define direction", according to the picture attached. 





  • Sid_22073
    Sid_22073 Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 13

    Thanks Allessio for the clarification.

    In this case of pressure application,

    How to calculate the magnitude of pressure. Because I have only Force (N). ( Eg 1000N)

    I want to apply only for semiload angle of 90 deg . So to calculate the pressure 

    Then P = F/A

    Here for Area (A), do I need to take the complete (360 deg) circumfrential area of the bearing surface or only half  of the surface.

    In both case how the magnitude of pressure applied ?

    How to validate the Force value is same as applied pressure.


    KInd regards,



  • AlessioLibrandi
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 11 Answer ✓
    Sid_22073 said:

    Thanks Allessio for the clarification.

    In this case of pressure application,

    How to calculate the magnitude of pressure. Because I have only Force (N). ( Eg 1000N)

    I want to apply only for semiload angle of 90 deg . So to calculate the pressure 

    Then P = F/A

    Here for Area (A), do I need to take the complete (360 deg) circumfrential area of the bearing surface or only half  of the surface.

    In both case how the magnitude of pressure applied ?

    How to validate the Force value is same as applied pressure.


    KInd regards,



    Hello, use the Bearing Pressure panel to distribute the force. Just input the total load, and SimLab will create a Pressure distribution according to the semiangle you choose. Typically, you only take half of the surface, i.e., 90 deg is the maximum semiangle you need.

    Please just press F1 when the Bearing Pressure panel is open and you will visualize the related help page which should clarify most questions.

    If you need to verify afterwards the resultant of the pressure distribution, you can use the panel RESULTANT LOAD according to the picture.



  • Sid_22073
    Sid_22073 Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 11


    Thanks so far,

    I will explain what I did..

    I have created a local rectangular cys and  rotated it as per required loading direction. Applied bearing pressure in Newton along Y axis as shown in the left pic.

    The system created a cylindrical cys automatically as shown on the left pic. ( the loads are applied)

    I want to export these loads and apply it outside SIMLAB on the same model offcourse.

    Will the load be applied correctly ? How can I verify ?

