Problemas com a licença
Solicito por gentileza o suporte, pois não consigo ter a ativação da licença no software.
O seguinte erro vem acontecendo:
[06/17/24 20:05:06] Erro do sistema: Nenhum token de autenticação na configuração de licenciamento gerenciado
[06/17/24 20:05:05] Ativando recursos...
[06/17/24 20:05:05] Tentando ativar...
[06/17/24 20:05:05] Desativando recursos...
[06/17/24 20:05:05] Ativar...
[06/17/24 20:05:05] Ativando os recursos necessários
[06/17/24 20:05:05] Erro do sistema durante o check-out: Altair License Manager: Erro de licença
Funcionalidade(s): GlobalZoneAM, HyperWorks, HWHyperMesh
Código de erro: 9
Descrição do erro:
Recurso não encontrado
Característica: HyperMesh
Código de erro: 6
Descrição do erro:
[LOCAL] C:\Users\Alexandro Fraga\AppData\Local\.altair_licensing\LAPTOP-TMS3892J\licenses\license_2024_04_12-00_10.lic - (Erro: 9) Recurso não encontrado
[LOCAL] C:\Arquivos de Programas\Altair\2022-edu\security\altair_lic.dat - (Erro: 6) Não é possível ler o arquivo
Caminho da licença: ; C:\Usuários\Alexandro Fraga\AppData\Local\.altair_licensing\LAPTOP-TMS3892J\licenças; C:\Arquivos de Programas\Altair\2022-edu\security\altair_lic.dat
[06/17/24 20:05:05] Erro do sistema durante o check-out: Altair License Manager: Erro de licença
Funcionalidade(s): GlobalZoneAM, HyperworksEDU
Código de erro: 9
Descrição do erro:
Recurso não encontrado
Matéria: HyperworksEDU
Código de erro: 6
Descrição do erro:
[LOCAL] C:\Users\Alexandro Fraga\AppData\Local\.altair_licensing\LAPTOP-TMS3892J\licenses\license_2024_04_12-00_10.lic - (Erro: 10) HostID não corresponde à licença
[LOCAL] C:\Arquivos de Programas\Altair\2022-edu\security\altair_lic.dat - (Erro: 6) Não é possível ler o arquivo
Caminho da licença: ; C:\Usuários\Alexandro Fraga\AppData\Local\.altair_licensing\LAPTOP-TMS3892J\licenças; C:\Arquivos de Programas\Altair\2022-edu\security\altair_lic.dat
[06/17/24 20:05:05] Não é possível ativar
Já houve outra tentativa (sem sucesso), indicando a desativação da licença pelo almutil_gui, mas não tive sucesso.
Ao lançar a chave para desativar na máquina, apresenta o seguinte erro:
Desde já agradeço!
To activate the license on another computer, you must first deactivate it from your previous computer where it was previously activated. Please ensure that the license is deactivated from your previous computer and not from the new one.
To deactivate your license from your previous computer, please follow these steps:
- Navigate to System (C:) > Program Files > Altair > 2023 > security > bin > win64 > gui.
2. Locate and double-click on almutil_gui.exe to open the Altair License Utility.
3. In the Altair License Utility, go to Tools > Deactivate License.
4. Enter the activation key in the provided box and click on 'Deactivate.' (Refer to the image below)
5. Once you have successfully deactivated the license on your computer, you can now activate the license on your other computer using the same activation key.
NOTE: Please note that there are a limited number of chances to deactivate and reactivate a license. Therefore, it's advisable to avoid deactivating it several times.
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Suhas Ambekar said:
To activate the license on another computer, you must first deactivate it from your previous computer where it was previously activated. Please ensure that the license is deactivated from your previous computer and not from the new one.
To deactivate your license from your previous computer, please follow these steps:
- Navigate to System (C:) > Program Files > Altair > 2023 > security > bin > win64 > gui.
2. Locate and double-click on almutil_gui.exe to open the Altair License Utility.
3. In the Altair License Utility, go to Tools > Deactivate License.
4. Enter the activation key in the provided box and click on 'Deactivate.' (Refer to the image below)
5. Once you have successfully deactivated the license on your computer, you can now activate the license on your other computer using the same activation key.
NOTE: Please note that there are a limited number of chances to deactivate and reactivate a license. Therefore, it's advisable to avoid deactivating it several times.
Não tive sucesso utilizando o método acima indicado
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Não tive sucesso utilizando o método acima indicado
Your license has been deactivated in the old system. You should now be able to activate the student license in the new system. Please try to activate the license and let me know if it works.
Kindly follow this video to access the student edition bundle on the Altair One marketplace and successfully activate the license using the activation key -
You can also follow the steps mentioned on this webpage - to generate the student license key, download and install the software, and activate the license key.
Also, follow the additional steps mentioned on this website to activate the license for PSIM and RapidMiner/AI Studio -