Self-heating under cycling force loads

Hello Everyone,
I am trying to simulate the self-heating of a simple structure under cycling loading. So that I can clearly output the energy loss and the temperature change over.
About the model:
- composite material, MAT08
- property: PCOMPP with 4 plies
I faced following difficulties and trying to resolve them,
1. Which analysis type should I use? Heat Transfer or what?
2. Temperature change due to mechanical loads will be used as thermal loads to analyze the temperature of the model. There are no other thermal loads. How to define this load?
honestly i'm not sure if OptiiStruct can handle this kind of analysis.
maybe others can help you better, but i don't remember this is possible.
Maybe Radioss can do it.
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Adriano A. Koga_21884 said:
honestly i'm not sure if OptiiStruct can handle this kind of analysis.
maybe others can help you better, but i don't remember this is possible.
Maybe Radioss can do it.
Hi Adriano,
Thanks for your quick reply. I think you're right, maybe Optistruct is not the suitable choice.
i will try it again with Radioss.
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Adriano A. Koga_21884 said:
honestly i'm not sure if OptiiStruct can handle this kind of analysis.
maybe others can help you better, but i don't remember this is possible.
Maybe Radioss can do it.
@ Adriano A. Koga,
Hi, i'm still trying to solve the self-heating problem with radioss. Now I have new problems, maybe you can help me.
Problem 1:
with loading a cyclic IMPDISP (R=-1, Tension-Compression) on Node-Set, the results are not correct whether using the explicit or implicit solver. When using explicit, the sample is directly damaged, and when using implicit, the sample has only compression deformation. what I wanna is an equal amount of cyclic variation of tensile and compression deformation.
question is: is IMPDISP can't be used to define cyclic displacement or what? Or how should I define this cyclic load in Radioss?
Both explicit and implict model have been uploaded
Problem 2:
Which MAT_LAW of composites should be chosen for the self-heating simulation? I only find the elasto-plastic material MAT/LAW104 can simulate the thermal softening effects due to self-heating.