Student license

Ryoji Okabe
Ryoji Okabe Altair Community Member
edited August 14 in 質問と回答 (Q&A)

The optistruct solver is not be able to boot up from HyperStudy with student licenses directly.

Is it collect?


  • Imoto
    Altair Employee
    edited August 14

    No, it should work with OptiStruct from HyperStudy using an Academic license.
    Are there any license logs or error messages?

  • Ryoji Okabe
    Ryoji Okabe Altair Community Member
    edited August 14

    Thank you for reply.

    I would like to perform the parametric study using the parameterized file with ****.tpl.

    Beacaouse I neeed to change the material ID for parametoric study.

    If I select the model type for HyperMesh with ****,hm, the Test Models step is performed sucsessfuly.

    On the other hand, when I select the model type for parameterized file, Test Model step is failed due to the license errors. (Error code #6 amd #9).

    If you have some resolution idea for this problem, let me know it.

