Creating Uniform Quadrilateral Meshes in S-Foundation

TomStructural Altair Community Member
edited September 2024 in Community Q&A

I have a simple problem but can't seem to figure this out on the S-Foundation interface. I want to mesh my mat footing with uniform Quad elements.  The mat is a rectangle with size 11m by 10m. The smaller my elements gets, for some reason I don't get elements of the same size everywhere. I start getting smaller element sizes at the edge of the footing and the element sizes in the middle do not seem to be decreasing. Does anyone have a suggestion? 

See the attached photo for an example of what I mean. 



  • Tayen_Aguilar_57
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2024

    Hello TomStructural, thank you for your message. 

    You can define the meshing element size with the selection tool as seen below:


    However, this might depend on specific elements and the quad elements may still differ slightly depending on the geometry, another option might be to redefine the element size on the design input window, adjusting the element size on each of the types of foundations that you have, again, this will depend on the type of model that you have. 


    If you want us to take a closer look, please message with a description of your question and any models you would like us to look at. 


    Tayen Aguilar

    Altair Support