load time history for fatigue analysis

You can use MotionSolve:
- Generating loads on a flexible body in MotionSolve via a transient MotionSolve analysis
- Recovering stresses in OS
- Running a fatigue analysis in OS to predict part failure
Please refer to tutorials available on MV/MS on how to generate flexbodies and run a transient analysis with MotionSolve.
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sir, can you provide the link for the said tutorial .
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Altair Forum User said:
You can use MotionSolve:
- Generating loads on a flexible body in MotionSolve via a transient MotionSolve analysis
- Recovering stresses in OS
- Running a fatigue analysis in OS to predict part failure
Please refer to tutorials available on MV/MS on how to generate flexbodies and run a transient analysis with MotionSolve.
Hello Gents,
Is it possible to Extract Load with Rigidbody Analysis in Motionsolve?
Thanks in Advance!
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Load Extraction is also possible with rigid bodies.
Keshav_Webinar_Load_Extraction - Altair
Check tutorial: mv-3030: Load export:
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Hi Hyperman and All,
Actually I am working on an agri-equipment and planning to investigate on it's fatigue behavior.
It is an assembly/mechanism operated around 1500 rpm.
I am eager to know whether there will be difference in loads extracted between rigid body analysis and flexible body analysis?
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It is impossible to answer without seeing the multibody system in question. Flexible bodies should be included to model links undergoing such severe deformations that joint locations are altered from rigid body kinematics.
from free ebook: Practical Aspects of Multi-Body Simulation with HyperWorks
Why Flexible Bodies?
A traditional multi-body dynamic (MBD) analysis involves the simulation of a rigid body system under the application of forces
and/or motions. In some cases, the flexibility of a body has a significant effect on the results of a simulation. Rigid body
simulations do not capture such deformations and this may lead to inaccurate results. Inclusion of flexible bodies in MBD
simulations accounts for flexibility.
Simulation of flexible bodies in an MBD system has the following benefits:
• Captures body deformation
• Increases accuracy in load predictions
• Determines the stress and/or strain distribution in a body
• Helps generate loads needed for fatigue analysis
However, flexible bodies introduce an additional set of equations in the system, and consequently, have a higher computational
cost as compared to rigid body systems.from CAE and Multi Body Dynamics>Advanced Topics>Flexibility (attached bellow):
High Speed Mechanisms
At high speeds, the effects of inertial forces are large enough that the
deformation of the links may be significant. Neglecting these may well lead
to failure of the mechanism: it may jam, vibrate too much, generate too
much noise, and so on.0 -
Hi Hyperman,
How to extract/output modal participation factor from Motionsolve?
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I have a transient analysis in MBD with Flexible bodies.
I want to evaluate the fatigue strength and damage of welds of the same in n-code.
What are the possible ways to do it?
Any Documents for reference would be very helpful.
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check the resource library
Virtual Durability Process: Bringing Together MBD, FE and Fatigue is the most relevant to your query.