*** ERROR 14: Missing property # 1 referenced by CTRIA3

I am new to Hypermsem.
I wanted to do a non-static linear simulation.
Here is the problem encountered when I launch the simulation:
There were 7452 error messages during input processing.
The first message is repeated below:
*** ERROR 14: Missing property # 1 referenced by CTRIA3 # 7375.
*** Errors with missing, incorrect or duplicate IDs found 7452 times.
i did all the tuto,
Someone can explain and help me.
You have a Skin mesh without property (see the comp ^Skin_2).
If you not need the skin mesh, you can delete it.
Model HM:
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Altair Forum User said:
Vous avez un maillage Skin sans propriété (voir la maquette ^ Skin_2).
Si vous n'avez pas besoin du maillage de peau, vous pouvez le supprimer.
Modèle HM:
I launched a simulation with the file you modified.
Here are the errors I get:********
There were 148 error messages during input processing.
The first message is repeated below:
*** ERROR 14: Missing element #14824 referenced by SURF # 1.
*** Errors with missing, incorrect or duplicate IDs found 148 times.***********
Now I have deleted the: ^Skin_2
Here are the errors I get:
*** ERROR # 3010 ***
The xi specified on the TABLES1 bulk data entry ID=1 is not in ascending
*** ERROR # 3015 ***
The first point (X1,Y1) specified on the TABLES1 bulk data entry ID=1
does not satisfy (zero,non-zero) requirement. The initial yield stress
can not be zero.*******
Thanks for your help
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You have to remove '^Skin_2'. And the errors about CTRIA3 disappear.
I know nothing about 'TABLES1' errors.
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Altair Forum User said:
Vous devez supprimer '^ Skin_2'. Et les erreurs concernant CTRIA3 disparaissent.
Je ne sais rien des erreurs 'TABLES1'.
Thank you for your help.
It helped me.
I would like to know:
What are the steps to avoid the mesh error I had on my model?
How to make a 3d mesh without making a 2d mesh before?
How to delete the mesh which is not useful without deleting the boundary conditions present in the model?
Thank you, I am a novice and I would like to stop making these mistakes.
Or a descriptive document
Thanks for your compression0 -
Yes, it's possible to build 3D mesh without 2D mesh. But with 2D mesh, you have more control in case you would like to do refinement of mesh (element number on fillet,...) For some case one keep 2D as 'skin' of solid to catch membrane stress. If you does not need this 2D mesh, just remove it.
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Altair Forum User said:
Yes, it's possible to build 3D mesh without 2D mesh. But with 2D mesh, you have more control in case you would like to do refinement of mesh (element number on fillet,...) For some case one keep 2D as 'skin' of solid to catch membrane stress. If you does not need this 2D mesh, just remove it.
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There are a few ways of checking this kind of error in HyperMesh.
For everyone who is using HM for analysis, it is always recommended to use the 'Model Checker' and run a check to verify for possible model errors.
Use Ctrl+F, and type 'Model Checker'.
By running Model checker browser, you will see a bunch of common errors/warnings before even submitting the job for the solver.
If you have mixed shell and solids, it will be shown as in the picture.
Another visual way of checking the mesh type is by using the visualization options and color the mesh by '1D/2D/3D', since shell elements are shown in blue and solid elements in red.
For separating them, the 'Mask' browser can be very useful, as you can hide all the 3D elements and keep only the 2D, or vice-versa.
It can be enable under 'View' menu.