Ports signification in FEKO

IMRANE New Altair Community Member
edited October 2021 in Community Q&A


I have some issues concerning the ports in FEKO. I want to know what are the signification and differences between the Ports in feko.. Wire Port, FEM Port, Edge Port, microstrip, etc. and especially when to use one source and not another. Is there any support where I can get this .. Also I have some issues with some properties, like segment/Vertex in wire ports

Thank you for your kindly responses




  • Mel
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2021

    A wire port is used when you model a feed with a wire, typically a patch antenna fed with a feed pin (simplification of a coax feed where we only model the pin). A voltage source is placed on the wire port. Or it could be used when you model a simple dipole antenna made from a single half wavelength long wire. It is fed in the middle with a wire port. The wire port is used in the default solver in Feko, which is the MoM (Method of Moments).

    The FEM modal port is used when the selected solver is the FEM, and more specifically when modelling for example wave guide structures such as wave guide filters or slotted waveguide antennas. The source that is placed on the FEM modal port is FEM modal source.

    The FEM line port works very similar to a wire port, except it operates inside a FEM (tetrahedral) mesh. This could be when a patch antenna for example is solved with FEM instead of the default solver. A current source is placed on the FEM line port.

    The edge port is another port for the default solver and is used similar to wire ports, except the there are no wires in the model, only metallic surfaces. For example a dipole made from a metallic strip meshed into triangles. 

    The microstrip port is used in microstrip applications only, when the microstrip is modelled on planar infinite (in 2D) substrates. The microstrip port is placed at the very edge (beginning or end) of a microstrip. And a voltage source is placed on this port. The microstrip port will automatically use the closest ground plane as ground reference.

    If you search for each port in the Altair_Feko_Example_Guide.pdf in the help folder of your Feko installation, you will find examples of usage of each port.