Boundary condition for charge-air-cooler

Torbern_Klason75 Altair Community Member
edited May 2023 in Community Q&A


I got a case where I got a liquid cold charge air cooler. The incoming air has a massflow of 0.15 kg/s with a temperature of 150°C and Pressure of 2.2 atmosphere. 

How do I set this BC in simlab? Looking on the BC for massflow, then I can set temperature and massflow...but not pressure.





How do I do with the material-database?

I have air, but do I make a new material, called AIR-2 or something...and change density to pointwise-linear and write in a density table as function of temperature? Or can Simlab handle this automatically?



Best Answer

  • Rafael Silva_20528
    Rafael Silva_20528 New Altair Community Member
    edited May 2023 Answer ✓

    Hello Torbern,

    I believe it is possible to achieve your requirements using Advanced BC. Let me suggest you doing the following:

    1. Define the Inlet as Pressure. You can set pressure and temperature in this panel.

    2. Create an Advanced BC, surface integrated for Mass Flux.






  • Rafael Silva_20528
    Rafael Silva_20528 New Altair Community Member
    edited May 2023 Answer ✓

    Hello Torbern,

    I believe it is possible to achieve your requirements using Advanced BC. Let me suggest you doing the following:

    1. Define the Inlet as Pressure. You can set pressure and temperature in this panel.

    2. Create an Advanced BC, surface integrated for Mass Flux.





  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2023

    You would not specify both velocity/flow rate and pressure at the inlet.  That would over-specify the condition.

    At the outlet you would specify the pressure.  If you specify the inlet pressure, the velocity/flow-rate is the unknown and solved.  If you specify the inlet velocity/flow-rate, the pressure is the unknown and solved.

    Ideal-Gas density is a function of absolute pressure and absolute pressure.  If you want density a function of absolute temperature only, you could do that with piecewise-linear density and define the density-temperature pairs.