Extracting stress at nodal locations

Meaghan Altair Community Member
edited October 2023 in Community Q&A

I'm trying to do a comparison of different modeling methods - specifically mesh refinement and a comparison of solid vs. shell models. In order to compare the models 1:1, I'd like to compare the von mises stress at a specific x,y,z location (a nodal location). It needs to be a node and not an element because otherwise there's no way to compare the shell and solid results. I also don't want to just compare the maximum stress because depending on the model the location of max stress is varying and so it's not a direct comparison. Struggling to find a way to do this in Hyperworks.


  • Adriano A. Koga
    Adriano A. Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2023

    for solids you could request GPSTRESS as it will extrapolate the stress values from the integration points to the nodes of your solid elements. (similar to requesting corner data and applying simple averaging).

    That way you would have a closer match.