2D Stator model press fit Simulation boundary conditions

hi all. im simulating Press fit Effect on a 2D 1/6 Stator Model. and i gave constraint on 0 Degree and 60 Degree edges DOF2 and 6 = 0. and Force of 25 N on every Node of outer edge of Stator. and did linear static analysis. but the Stress Results are not reliable in my opinion. Stress distribution should look uniformly through out surface of stator but its not. i suspected its because of wrong Boundary conditions. can u guys give me some feedback or idea? i put the .hm file u can see it if u want. Thanks in Advance.
here are pics of Simulation and Stress distribution
I haven't opened your hm, but I can suggest one thing: you can try to make you are using the cylindrical system properly (and therefore, good BC) if you try a model with imposed displacements. That should help you check that part of the analysis.
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loistf said:
I haven't opened your hm, but I can suggest one thing: you can try to make you are using the cylindrical system properly (and therefore, good BC) if you try a model with imposed displacements. That should help you check that part of the analysis.
hey loistf,
thanks for the feedback and sorry for late reply. with cylindrical system you meant CORD1C? i already used and even the simulationsresult are same. what shoud i do?
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My suggestion is that you try a model with imposed displacements at the 0º and 60º. That should help you understand if you are imposing the DOF in the proper direction. Only when you have confirmed that, you apply forces.
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loistf said:
My suggestion is that you try a model with imposed displacements at the 0º and 60º. That should help you understand if you are imposing the DOF in the proper direction. Only when you have confirmed that, you apply forces.
hey loistf, i just applied the SPCD(enforced displacement) same with SPC on 0 and 60 Degree face edges. and 0 Degree i gave 1 Value of displacement on x axial direction and on 60 degree x: 0.5 y: 0.866 respectively. liniear static load step i give spc and on the load SPCD and it shows like this. its a correct stress vaules?
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Junhyeong Kang said:
hey loistf, i just applied the SPCD(enforced displacement) same with SPC on 0 and 60 Degree face edges. and 0 Degree i gave 1 Value of displacement on x axial direction and on 60 degree x: 0.5 y: 0.866 respectively. liniear static load step i give spc and on the load SPCD and it shows like this. its a correct stress vaules?
I am surprised about your imposed displacements in 60º. If you are using a cylindrical system, shouldn't you impose a value of r? (not x and y). The key of what I am suggesting is that you check the deformed shape. if the deformed shape is ok, then most probably your stress values will be ok.