Nonlinear quasi-static analysis optimization

recently i am simulating the beam under three-point bending conditions.I want to apply displacement load on the beam,Thereby obtaining the maximum reaction force。
Taking the thickness of the beam as a design variable,mass as objective。load step is Nonlinear quasi-static analysis...There is a fatal error
How to solve this problem?Can Optistruct be optimized in nonlinear quasi-static analysis?
Error clearly says that optimization for large displacement is not supported. If you have PARAM LGDISP 1 defined in your model then give a try without this card.
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Thank you
I don't figure out the what is PARAM LGDISP card,I have deleted the MATS1,and update the displacement load as 0.8mm。the problem is still there
the following is .fem file,could you give some advice
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Contact pressure and contact force from both S2S and N2S contacts can now be used as a response (DRESP1) in optimization formulation.New optimization response is supported in OptiStruct version 2018.PFA same deck for same where we used contact force as constraints.
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Thank you @Rahul R
After applying the elastoplastic property, the analysis type is changed to nonlinear quasi-static analysis. Why is the calculation time so long, is my parameter setting wrong?
This kind of nonlinear quasi-static due to materials generally needs to set which parameters to improve the calculation efficiency?