Error #720

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited February 2021 in Community Q&A
 There were 3 error messages during input processing.

  The first message is repeated below:


  *** ERROR # 720 ***

  Invalid static SUBCASE that has no load or enforced displacement.

      subcase id = 1





 ==== End of solver screen output ==== 


This error appears when I add a secondary force or constraint onto multiple sections of my model. Any help is appreciated.




  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2015

    HI luongo1,


    Make sure when you add new loads, constraints are under right load collectors.


    For instance, you cannot have constraints in Force load collector and the same is used in loadstep for load.

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2015

    I think the problem is that i'm using basic FEA and hyperworks keeps creating it's own load collectors and referencing those collectors. This happens when I make a load step in basic FEA. If i right click them on card edit, it'll say 'No card assigned to the entity for the current user profile'.

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2015



    Load collectors for spc and force doesn't require a card image.


    if possible, please share the model.

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2015

    I have shared the model with you on your drop box

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2015



    I didn't receive any model in my dropbox.


    Please use the below link to share:

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2015



    I have got your model.


    You have four loadsteps. Each loadstep either has an SPC or FORCE.


    This is not the right way. You need a force and SPC on one loadstep. Please make these changes and re-run the analysis.

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2019

    hey, i have the same error and can´t fix it.

    my model is below.


    Unable to find an attachment - read this blog

  • Jack Wang
    Jack Wang New Altair Community Member
    edited February 2021

    I also encountered this problem and it turned out that I just forgot to tick the "active" and "Export" boxes in the "Entity State" tab.

    So it is worthy giving a check.

  • Augusto_Castanheira
    Augusto_Castanheira Altair Community Member

    I have a similar problem.I was trying to create two load collectors to diferent forces using the load collectors of constraint and a loadadd with all forces.But,for some reason,I have obtained this error.So,wath i did,and recommend you try is open the .fem arquive with the block note and check in the subcase part if the load is defined(probabily not) and to correct this add a text with the load manually as in the attached picture definig the id of the load.