profiled inlet

Best Answer
Prabin Pradhananga_20428 said:
I found that the profile has to be the function of time using this method.
However, I want the following type of profile which is independent of time ie. it has to maintain the following profile all the time at the inlet. Is there any way this can be done?
In the HyperMesh CFD - it would be under Boundaries > Advanced. Then use NBC (nodal boundary condition) and type = piecewise linear. You can import a .csv file or input your values manually. See the attached screen recording.
You may find it simpler to define the function/profile in Excel or similar, then import the .csv file to use as a nodal boundary condition but with type = piecewise linear.
You'll see an example UDF for nodal boundary condition towards the end of the following page. Doesn't do exactly what you want, but may be useful as a guide.
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acupro_21778 said:
You may find it simpler to define the function/profile in Excel or similar, then import the .csv file to use as a nodal boundary condition but with type = piecewise linear.
You'll see an example UDF for nodal boundary condition towards the end of the following page. Doesn't do exactly what you want, but may be useful as a guide.
I found that the profile has to be the function of time using this method.
However, I want the following type of profile which is independent of time ie. it has to maintain the following profile all the time at the inlet. Is there any way this can be done?
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Prabin Pradhananga_20428 said:
I found that the profile has to be the function of time using this method.
However, I want the following type of profile which is independent of time ie. it has to maintain the following profile all the time at the inlet. Is there any way this can be done?
In the HyperMesh CFD - it would be under Boundaries > Advanced. Then use NBC (nodal boundary condition) and type = piecewise linear. You can import a .csv file or input your values manually. See the attached screen recording.