Error 703

Drom when I was having memory problems, I trimmed down my model by deleting a chunk of elements. However, when I run the optimization I get the following error after 12 iterations.
*** ERROR # 703 ***
number of design variables = 339111
number of constraints = 3
error code from optimizer = 900
The optimizer failed to find a solution of the optimization
problem at the current iteration.
This error occurs in module 'appdrv'.
Any ideas?
Please attach the out file
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Check if there are any constraints are violated. The error is due to many of your constraints are violated and optimizer is unable to find a solution.
Please check .out file for most violated constraints and try to relax the constraint(s) value.
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Attached is a .txt of the outfile (the forum wouldn't let me attach a .out). In the meantime, I'll see what I can figure out.
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I suggest you to go through OptiStruct FAQs.
If you look into the out file the stress constraint is violated.
if you are looking to increase the stiffness of the component, try minimizing compliance as objective with a limit on volume fraction.
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So my orignal design had exactly that - minimize compliance with a volfrac set ~25%. The problem I was running into was having gaps between members unless I set my density ratio relatively high, causing a higher than desired volume. Since my real-life design (aircraft wing) does not need to be stiff, I'm trying to run the analysis with a max stress less than the baseline design. I'll try it again on this design and see what happens.