Variations with RD-3500: Tensile Test

Hello Sirs,
I want to test my composite material dogbones at different temperature and velocity conditions. I used RADIOSS ''RD-3500: Tensile Test'' tutorial as a base to setup my Boundry conditions.Please suggest how can i apply different velocity and temperature conditions.
Am i right if i give 'velocity value for ex. Vx=3' in Property section (in browser area)
& Temperature T0=50°C(323 kelvin ) in Material section (of browser area)
I have added the material vales ( like E,mu & rho) and integration points, N=5, and used MAT1 card (considering material behaves Isotropic) for initial test calculations.
The error i got is attached. I am also attaching my model, if it helps.
When i run the RD-3500: Tensile Test, i observed that ''the final animation result doesnot show any change in thickness at the centre and final breakage after elongation''. Can you suggest, how can i create a more realistic animation ?
Also, i am interested in generating a few plots like :
.) Velocity-Elongation
.) Velocity-Emodul
.) Velocity-tensile strength
and also, influence of temperature on all the above parameters.
So please suggest what control cards should i use and how can i view these plots in Hyperview/Hypergraph.
Your suggestions would really help me with my Master thesis.
i will really appreciate your feedback on my query.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen/Best Regards,
i.A. Palash Agrawal
MSc. Computational Mechanics
Universität Duisburg Essen
Tel.: +49 176 4160 9591
I am trying attaching my model but its not uploading (.hm file). Can you please suggest, how can i share my model ? , if it helps.
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Hi Palash,
Looks like the property and the material are not compatible with each other.
Please check this.
In order to plot you need to output velocity, displacement, etc..
From the main menu bar click on Tools > Create Cards > TH > NODE > enter a name for the group and select the node of interest > Create >edit > enter the Var of interest (Vx for velocity) and then, in the engine file request the /TFILE to be written at the time frequency of interest.
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Hello Prakash,
Thanks for your answer!
So which material card image do you suggest to input my temperature (50°C) and velocity(3m/s) conditions in Radioss ?
I have shell elments and considering material behaviour is isotropic.
Best regards
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Please go to Utility Browser (View>>Browsers>>Utility)>> BCs manager to provide velocity and temperature boundary conditions.
Since the velocity and temperature vary with time, you can use imposed velocity and imposed temperature.
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thanks for your answer Prakash!
If i understand correctly, is RADIOSS using some default temperature and velocity values in BC Manager.......Pls correct me if i am wrong !
Sorry but i can't see an option in BC manager, where i can insert real values (like stretching at 3m/s or 4m/s.....) and temperature at (30°C,50°C....).
Please suggest how to insert these values in the BC Manager.....attached picture below....
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You need to specity through curve.
Please refer to RD-3500: Tensile Test Setup using HyperMesh on how to input imposed velocity.
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Thanks a lot Prakash! it works for velocity.
However for temperature, i created the values in curve (see picture attached)....but which control cards do i need to activate (alongwith existing cards from RD3500 tutorial) to see the output result in Hyperview ?
also, does RADIOSS by default considers temperature in Degrees or in Kelvin ??
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i am expecting a change in displacement (or the final value of elongation in dogbone) after application of temperature (for ex. if i compare my system at 50k to 350k).
Also i want to curve plots of temperature v/s elongation and Emodul (may be using Hypergraph).
So can you tell me the options with which i can plot such curves ?