What's New in Altair AcuSolve 2022.1

Gas Kinetics Model
Simulate the proper diffusion and blending of various component gases with AcuSolve’s gas kinetics model. Appropriate for cold flow analyses of combustion systems, this new multiphase feature allows users to define single atom molecules, linear molecules, or non-linear molecules. Parameters such as the molecular weight, dipole moment, polarizability, and others may be set for the component gases and AcuSolve will calculate the proper conductivity, viscosity, and mass diffusion coefficients for each model. Mass diffusion via the gas kinetics model is compatible with both species transport and the advective-diffusive multifield equations. Many common component gasses like Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Methane, and Propane are pre-defined for the user.
Surface Tension for Miscible Multiphase
Dispersed liquid droplets or gas bubbles now account for proper deformation when subject to hydrodynamic forces. Surface tension for miscible multiphase is compatible with the Tomiyama lift model and the Grace or Ishii-Zuber drag models for Algebraic Eulerian multiphase and compatible with all lift and drag models for Euler-Euler multiphase. Simulations involving a liquid free surface or air entrainment, such as de-aeration tank analysis will see significant improvements in accuracy.
Topology Optimization Automatic Darcy Coefficient
In topology optimization the fluid path that is predicted is directly related to the local Darcy coefficient within the design space. In this release, the Darcy coefficient within the design space will automatically adjust and update based on the state of the simulation. Users are no longer burdened by initializing this value themselves and the result is faster convergence of the optimizer, a simpler workflow for the user, and an improved topological shape.